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Neck Pain

Neck pain can be caused by a lot of things. In today’s world where we are spending increasing amounts of time on computers, iPads, cell phones, etc. it is very common for our necks to become sore from looking down at a screen. We all need to be conscious of our posture and remember to do stretching exercises and deliberate movements to counter the effects of looking down at a phone or computer screen.

Neck pain can also develop from how we sleep. It is important to recognize sleep positions that allow your neck to rest and relax and be free of any tension when you sleep. Your neck movement is also closely related to your shoulders and upper back. Because our skeleton is held together with tendons, muscles, and soft tissue it is very easy to develop strain in the neck. Sudden movements and exertion in sports and work activities can cause pain in the neck.

Neck pain can develop from whiplash insured during car accidents. Stress and tension from work deadlines or taking care of young children, and lifting infants in awkward positions can all lead to strain and discomfort in the neck.

It is important to recognize pain and act early. Stretching and targeted movement and exercises to activate the muscles in the neck and relieve strain are something we should all do on a daily bases. Physical Therapy is always a good choice for understanding specific exercises and movements that will help relieve neck pain. As with all pain, neck pain should not be ignored or thought of as a normal part of aging. Google “exercises for stretching”, and engaging your neck muscles.

Consider consulting a Physical Therapist and or a combination of treatments with Low-intensity Shockwave Therapy to address pain early and reverse the origin of the pain.

Neck Pain
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