Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, TMJ or TMJ syndrome is a pain in the joint that connects your jaw bone to your skull.
The Temporomandibular joint is the hard-working soft tissue that is surrounded by small muscles and acts as a sliding hinge to open and closes your mouth. It is active during eating and chewing, talking, and can often be aggravated during sleep when people unconsciously grind their teeth and flex their jaw muscles.
TMJ can be very painful and often difficult to address due to the constant activity of the joint. It can be a dull constant ache or more distracting pain that can lead to anxiety and stress. It is important to know what the causes are for your TMJ syndrome and seek help.
There are exercises Low-intensity you can do to gently stretch the joint and build muscle support around the joint. Again having a good Physical Therapist can be a major help in understanding the cause of your pain and being proactive to find relief.
Low intensity shockwave therapy has also been shown to be effective in releasing TMJ pain. It is a simple and quick treatment that can activate your connective tissue and create a biological effect to accelerate healing and relieve pain.
Why wait? Call today and schedule your shockwave therapy session to begin relieving your TMJ pain.