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Different Kinds Of Pain: Which Affects You?

There are different ways to categorize pain. If you have suffered from things like carpal tunnel syndrome or lower back pain, you may be familiar with the concept of acute pain vs. chronic pain.

  • Acute pain refers to a new injury or condition

  • Chronic pain, on the other hand, is usually defined as pain that persists for three months or more

  • Some professionals add a third category – subacute pain – to refer to pain that may last for weeks or even a couple of months but will go away as the body eventually heals.

Acute Pain

If you sprain your ankle while hiking, pull a muscle when you’re working in the yard or even break a bone falling from a ladder, you will experience acute pain. The pain you feel after having your wisdom teeth out is also a form of acute pain.

According to an article posted on the JAMA Network, acute pain may be treated with one or a combination of the following:

· Resting the affected part of the body

· Using heat and/or ice

· Taking acetaminophen (i.e., Tylenol) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen (i.e., Advil) or naproxen (i.e., Aleve)

· Taking prescription opioid medications

· Physical therapy

· Exercise

· Electrical stimulation

· Taking prescription muscle relaxants

Chronic Pain

As the health experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine say, “Chronic pain is one of the most costly health problem in [the] U.S.”

Chronic pain is more than the simple aches and pain you may experience after a weekend spent working on the house or getting together with your friends for a game of touch football. Chronic pain is an ongoing and enduring problem that affects just about every aspect of your life.

  1. Chronic pain can limit your physical ability to take care of yourself and engage in your routine activities – from walking the dog to mopping the floor.

  2. Financial strain: As Johns Hopkins’ experts point out, “Increased medical expenses, lost income, lost productivity, compensation payments, and legal charges are some of the economic consequences of chronic pain.”

  3. Chronic pain can also impact your mental health.

Low-intensity shockwave therapy may offer hope for patients who suffer from chronic pain. If you would like to know how it can contribute to your approach to pain management in Charleston, please contact us.

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